Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Visiting Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) Professor

WHEN: Fri April 17th, 7:30-8:30pm
WHERE: ACC John Sung Bldg

Professor Robert Chisholm, of the Old Testament at Dallas Theological Seminary, will be visiting ACC this weekend and giving a series of talks on the Books of Amos and Micah. Prof. Chisholm is a renowned scholar on the Major and Minor Prophets books and authored a number of books on the Prophets. He also served as the senior Old Testament editor of the New English Translation (NET) Bible.

See attachment for a detailed schedule for this weekend, April 17-19 (Fri-Sun). (Note, lunch is included on Saturday!)

1 comment:

Dave said...

This was a really good speaker that the Cantonese congregation organized. Surprised that there were so few English congregation people since the speaker spoke only English.