Tuesday, May 26, 2009

"Never Too Far" Production (with Dance, Poetry, Music)

WHEN: Sat, May 30th, 7-9pm
WHERE: Red River Church (45th St & Red River)

You are invited to a musical production, with familiar faces including Wei Liew and Nelson Chau!  Wei's dance ministry team will be perfoming several pieces, and she personally invites all of you to come support this dream of hers.  This is a great event to bring all your friends, especially those who used to be close to God, or are on their way to knowing Jesus.  Not to mention, there's free admission!  If you have any questions, please contact Wei.

Community Outreach - Landscaping at Project Transitions

WHEN: Sat, May 30th, 9:30-12:00
WHERE: See Evite

Get out your shovel and gardening gloves!  We’ll be helping out with the landscaping at Doug’s House, a residential five-bedroom residential hospice for people in the final stages of AIDS. Part of Project Transitions, it is the only HIV/AIDS hospice facility in Central Texas.  By helping out with landscaping, we can help save Project Transitions money, and at the same time, show our support for the local AIDS community.  If you’re interested in finding out more about Doug’s House, check out http://projecttransitions.org/dh.shtml.

An Evite has been sent out for it... let us know if you have any questions or didn't receive it.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend BBQ Party

WHEN: Sat May 23rd, 11am
WHERE: Freescale Pavilion, 7700 W Parmer Ln (take a right once you enter from Parmer at Tamayo; the Pavilion will be on your right)

Andy's small group is hosting a BBQ party! Bring yourself, a big appetite, and a friend or two to come eat and have fun. We'll also have other activities (such as basketball, volleyball, games...etc.). If you have your own equipment, please bring it.

An Evite has been sent out so please let us know if you haven't received it yet. RSVP by Wednesday, May 20th, so they know how much food to purchase. They will be taking a donation ($5 per person) to cover the cost of food.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Youth Retreat Counselors Needed

We need youth retreat counselors this summer!  The retreat is at Camp Buckner from Thursday July 30th afternoon to Sunday August 2 noon.  We understand that you may have problems with their work schedules given the dates but you can still be a counselor--just come in on the Friday evening if you can't miss work.

So what does a youth retreat counselor do?  Counselor responsibilities include: love the teens, be godly role models to them, listen to them and hear them, get to know them, have fun with them, pray for them, have one-on-one times with them, participate in main sessions and organized activities, help enforce camp rules, defeat campers in camper/counselor challenges, etc. :)

You don't need to have extensive experience working with youth--just a willing heart.  We'll train you and show you the ropes.

If you're interested in being a youth retreat counselor, or have more questions, please let Josh Chen (ACC Youth Director) know.  Deadline to sign up: June 7th.

Visiting Buckner Villas Retirement Home

WHEN: Sunday May 17th, 9:30am
WHERE: Meet at ACC

Buckner Villas is a retirement home near ACC that we visited a few weeks ago.  On the morning of May 17th, we will be paying them another visit from 10-11am to sing to and chat with the elderly folks there.  We're looking for 10 of you guys to meet up at 9:30am at ACC and head over to Buckner Villas together. 

Please contact Marilyn if you're interested! 

"Grieving" - Panel of Speakers

WHEN: Friday May 15th, 7:30pm
WHERE: ACC Carey Bldg (upstairs)

None of us can escape from disappointments and tragedies in life.  One of the biggest disappointments we experience is the loss of a friend's or loved one’s life.  It is during this difficult time that we often struggle to understand the meaning of life and how to properly grieve.   How do we deal with our emotions and where does God fit in this whole picture?  In the midst of the tragedy, how can God heal our wounds?  How can we draw strength from Christ and just as importantly, how can we use this opportunity comfort others in sadness and to be salt and light for the world?

“Healing is not the resolution of our past; it is the use of our past to draw us into deeper relationship with God and his purposes for our lives.”  -Dan B. Allender, “The Healing Path”

Join us for our special panel of speakers, who will share their experiences.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

"Fireproof" Movie Night & Baby-sitting - RSVP online

WHEN: Sat May 9, 6:00–8:30pm with an optional dinner beforehand from 5-6:00pm.
WHERE: ACC Taylor Hall

RSVP online if you have not done so already and plan to come.
    * Thank you to all those who have already signed up online!  That will really help us prepare for this event.
    * If you are interested in coming, it’s not too late, just sign-up online.  You can pay for your ticket by donating to ACC for the English Outreach Ministry.
    * If you have invited guests, please sign-up for them or ask them to.  Be praying for them this week, that they will be able to attend and have open hearts. Follow-up with them to make sure they know the details of when and where.  We will have a welcome table and serve dinner outside of Taylor Hall. Childcare and the movie will both be in the Taylor building.
    * For Cornerstoners who are coming to help with childcare, please make sure Edward knows you are coming to help so he has a headcount of available people-power.  If you would like to eat with us, please RSVP online.

Arrive early:
    * Please try to show up on time or early so that you can help our visitors feel welcomed.
    * From 5-6pm, we will serve dinner and whether you are eating or not, please come early and get to know people you don’t normally talk to.
    * The Austin Fire department will try to send a firetruck and firefighters to ACC from 5-6pm, so there will be some fun things and a good photo-op for kids.
    * If you are coming only for the movie, please arrive by 6pm so that we can get started and end on time.

Help with the event:
    * If you are not bringing a guest, please consider attending the movie and helping with the event.  If you would like to help, email Richard.

    * Even if you cannot come, you can help by praying before, during, and after this event.