Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Worship/Prayer with Andy's SG!

Friday 8/3
ACC, Carey Building (Lighthouse)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Volunteering with the ARCH

Saturday 7/28
5:45-8:00pm (meet at ACC in front of Morrison at 5pm to carpool)
500 E. 7th St, 78701 (Northeast corner of 7th and Neches)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Recap/Feedback

Friday 7/20
ACC, Carey Building (Lighthouse)

Post-fellowship: Eddie's House!

Geoff's Notes:
- Cornerstone vision and theme verse
- "Living as God intended: loving God, loving each other, loving the world"
- Read Matt 22:37-40
- Loving God
- what is love?
- (agapao) cherish, affection based on admiration, hold dear.
- how does God love?
- Hos 3:1, Zeph 3:17: Cherishes us
- Eph 5:25-32.
- v29: provides for us, cares for us
- v26-27: unbreaking our character
- v25: died for us
- v31: uniting us with Himself
- similarity: seeking our good, not His
- God is showing us what love is
- how do we love God?
- Same way: cherish Him, give to Him
- Same way: cherish Him, give to Him
- cherish: delighting in God for who He is (not what He does for us)
- a good example is cherishing God is David:
Ps 23, 103, 63 (your love better than life)
- what can we give?
- time: pursuing God
- service
- gifts
- worship
- touch (a little unsure here. Example of Billy Graham who touched
an untouchable caste on one of his crusades)
- the most we can give is our lives
- greatest commandment

- Loving each other
- If the Law and the Prophets hang on loving God and loving each other,
then the Law must be directions on how to do that.
- we should have God's character in all things, and if He relates to
us always unselfishly loving and delighting in us, that is how we should
relate to each other.
- How? Enjoying one another, giving to each other
- Just enjoying each other's company: meals, social events, etc.
- caring for each other
- St. Francis of Assissi's prayer: "grant that I may not so much seek to
be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be
loved as to love"
- paraphrase "grant that I may not so much seek to be satisfied
as to care for others"
- Encouraging each other to have God's character:
- talk about spiritual things
- being real with each other: transparency
- conflict: dealing with each other's sin, forgiving each other

- Loving the world
- Jesus said this is how all men will know that we are his disciples, that
you love one another
- Showing God's character outside the church
- Being an ambassador for the infinitely Good God
- God repeatedly talks about caring for the widows and orphans, and the poor
- Demonstrating God's unselfish love

- Conclusion
- Robert E. Lee: When asked at the end of his life to bless a baby,
he told the mother "teach him to deny himself"

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Sin

Friday 7/13
ACC Carey Building (Lighthouse)

Post-Fellowship: Alex's House or Austin Tidbits (http://www.austintidbits.com/)

Brief Notes (if anyone has more, please add a comment!)
She talked about her life growing up (being abused starting when she was 2 or 3 and entering the adult entertainment industry also at an early age), and then about finding God and being redeemed. It wasn't a smooth ride immediately afterwards (she returned to the adult entertainment lifestyle during her first year as a Christian), but eventually God blessed her with a steady job doing accounting work with a mom/pop store. And now she's co-founded New Song Ministry, helping women leave the adult entertainment industry by providing Bible studies, practical training, and grace-filled compassion. She's used her previous experiences and relationships with managers of clubs all across Texas to start her ministry and has even been asked to start a Sunday morning worship service at the Yellow Rose for dancers all across Austin. Seriously, praise God.

One thing she said that stuck out to me was "A sin is a sin is a sin". Oftentimes, I think I'm not as bad as other people - but God views all sins as sin. Afterwards, our discussion group talked about how to be vulnerable with people around us so that we can encourage each other as we deal with sin - not an easy thing to do, but we agreed it's way necessary to be intentional about it. I'm praying for us as a church and fellowship to keep growing in this area of grace and vulnerability - both with our fellow Cstoners/ACCers and with the people around us (our friends and our Austin community) :)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Food Social with Annie's SG!

Friday 7/6
7:00pm Bring your dinner and hang out!
8:30pm Ice Cream, etc provided by Annie's Small Group!

@ Jamie and Debbie's House
13529 Albania Way, 78729