Monday, November 24, 2008

Youth/Cornerstone Super Relay Night

WHEN: Fri Dec 5th, 7:00 - 9:30 pm (**NOTE the start time is different than our usual time!**)
WHERE: ACC Taylor Gym

Work off all that food you ate over the holidays! With activities planned by the ACC Community Team, we are teaming up with the youth to complete relay stations around the church--so get your running shoes on and let loose your competitive spirit! I have some inside knowledge and heard there's gonna be a lot of fun activities involving random skills and some even involving food ;). If you're interested in participating, PLEASE let Janel know since they need a head count for preparation purposes.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Oops!  Totally forgot to post about our Thanksgiving Potluck that happened this past Friday...

As for this week, enjoy your time with your family and friends, and we'll see you next week!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Christians and Political Discourse

WHEN: Fri Nov 7th, 7:30pm
WHERE:  ACC Carey Bldg 

In light of the elections being at the forefront of the news, conversations with others, and fresh on our minds, Tina Tsuei will be speaking to us on what does the Bible have to say that can guide us when we make voting decisions to choose public officials--and how does our faith in Christ influence our views on policy options?  She will be talking about policy and politics in general, and will have a forum for different folks to share their thoughts and ideas and to wrestle with some questions that are very important for us to consider as American Christians.  

Keep in mind friends you can invite who would be interested in this topic that is relevant to all of us!  Munchies will be provided, so bring your own drink!