Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ACC Labor Day Picnic, Lunch with Quest

Coming up soon in September are two opportunities for us to get to know others at ACC better:

ACC English Congregation Labor Day Picnic
Mon Sept 1st, 12 -2:30 pm
ACC Morisson Bldg
What better way to get to know the married couples who you see at church on Sunday, and the kids that we baby-sit? It'll be a fun casual way to meet those familiar faces you've seen around... and invite your friends and coworkers (they can bring their families too)! And what's really cool... it's FREE!

For pictures, click here and select: Media -> Pictures -> Labor Day Picnic Albums 1 and 2.

Cornerstone Welcome & Lunch with Quest
Sun Sept 7th, 12:15 pm
ACC John Sung (outside)
Quest, the college ministry, will be starting up and all those college kids will be in a new city away from their familiar surroundings. We really would like the college students who come to ACC be a part of the church community as a whole, and having Cornerstoners reach out to them will be a great start. We need help setting up, serving them lunch, mingling among them, and cleaning up... and why do we need YOUR help? There's probably gonna be 60+ of them! Please respond to this email if you can help. Thanks!

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