Monday, July 07, 2008

Relating to Our Parents and MORE

WHEN: Friday, July 11, 2008 - 7:30 PM
WHERE: Lighthouse, Carey Building

This Friday Bob Chin will be speaking to us on the topic of relating to our parents. What does a Christian parent-child relationship look like? What if your relationship with your parents isn't good, what can you do? Join us for Bob's insights, 7:30 pm at Lighthouse.

ALSO - We are pleased to announce the new Core Team: Edward, Judith, and Kathy will be leading Cornerstone this next year! Ti, Priscilla, and myself are really excited about the new Core Team, and are looking forward to see what God does through them! Please keep the Core Team in your prayers--it's a bit daunting at first. Plus, I (Geoff) have seen this year the truth of John 15:5: truly apart from God, we can do nothing to bring people to God, and leaders always need your prayers in this area.

Ti, Priscilla, and myself have enjoyed serving you all as leaders on the Core Team this year. It's been a privilege to organize events to bring us closer to God, and through it we've grown as leaders, been challenged in our walks with God, and grown in love for Cornerstone. It has been a joy and an honor to serve Cornerstone, and wish the same for the new Core Team. Please welcome Edward, Judith, Kathy!

Please pray for our brothers and sisters that are on missions trips this summer. We already have some that are on their trip currently, as well as Moses and Marilyn returned from New Orleans working with the ACC youth helping Katrina victims. Marie and Ti are in Southeast Asia with Campus Crusade working with college students. Coming up soon, Priscilla will leave July 8th - August 20th to work with Carpenter's Tools in Guatemala. Kathy , Edwin , Tim , Marilyn , Nita , and Geoff (in August) will be going to Bolivia with e3 partners to share the gospel there (July 17-25) . Our worship intern, Stanley , will be leaving in August to join CTI for fulltime ministry as well. If you know anyone else - please let us know. Please keep these brothers and sisters in your prayers as well as ACC as a whole - for Austin is our ministry field as well.

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