Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We're breaking till January 11th - see you then! :)

Monday, December 17, 2007

A Charlie Brown Christmas!

December 21st, 2007, 7:30 PM, Ti's Place

We're watching "A Charlie Brown Christmas" on Friday! Join us for a time of relaxation and fellowship. We'll also be baking cookies (and whatever else you want to bake)!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Caroling and Christmas Party!

December 15th, 2007, 5:30 PM, Village at Collinwood Apts (1001 Collinwood West Dr.)

We're going caroling! Meet at the second group of buildings (by the main office) at 5:30pm. Join us as we share God's love and some Christmas joy to the elderly folks at this apartment complex.

Afterwards, we'll head over to Winston's house for some dumplings and a white elephant gift exchange! (If you'd like to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a present worth $10 or less.)

Please email acc.cornerstone@gmail.com if you haven't received the Evite.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Forgiveness and ACC Christmas Service

December 7th, 2007, 7:30 PM, ACC Carey (Lighthouse) Building

Pastor Gaylord will be speaking with us about Forgiveness. Please join us as we worship and fellowship together!

December 8th, 2007, 7-8PM, ACC Taylor Hall

All the ACC congregations will be getting together this Saturday for a time of celebrating Christ's birth! Join us as we sing Christmas carols, hear the Christmas story, and fellowship over yummy refreshments! (**Also, please bring your canned goods for the Capital Area Food Bank drive.)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Listening to God

November 30th, 2007, 7:30 PM, 7901 Osborne

Pastor Walton will be speaking with us about Listening to God (in terms of life decisions and career choices).

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Potluck

November 17th, 2007, 6:00 PM, 7901 Osborne

Join us as we fellowship and give thanks together!

See pictures at: http://public.fotki.com/andyedlee/2007/cornerstone/thanksgiving-potluc/

Sunday, November 04, 2007

How to Read the Bible

November 9th, 2007, 7:30 PM, Lighthouse (Carey) Building ACC

Do you ever wonder what is the right way to read the Bible? Have you ever read a passage and not really understand what you just read? Do you want to know how you can "hear" and "listen" to God when you read the Bible? Do you want to know what the passage means? Come this Friday to Cornerstone and hear our very own Tina Tsuei teach us about how to read the Bible. Tina Tsuei is the wife of Pastor Gaylord and has two kids - Charis and Silas. So, please join us as she teaches us about God's live Word - His magnificent love story to us.

Evangelism Outreach

November 10th, 2007

This Saturday, Alex Chen will be leading a team to witness to the lost in downtown Austin. We will witness 1-on-1 by giving out Gospel tracts and speaking with the lost. Set aside your fears and expectations and remember that Chris is worthy of our love and obendience, regardless of the results or what we get out of it. Meet at Alex's home at 7 PM to carpool (contact him at 512.560.0583 or alexchen@alumni.rice.edu).


This is very important to our church! Time frame November 5th to November 26th!!

As a church, we want to do everything we can to support your spiritual growth. So we're asking everyone who calls ACC their church home to take a Spiritual Life Survey at www.revealnow.com/SLsurvey/?church=203 (please be sure this survey is passed on to your fellowships and small groups). The survey findings will help shape our decisions in creating the best possible ministry strategies to bring us closer to God. Thanks in advance for participating!

**Please complete the survey no later than 11/26** If you have any questions, please ask the Leadership Team (Pastor Gaylord, Andy Lee, Chris Chun, Jamie Ricks, Julian Chen, Alex Chen, Winston Woo, Geoff Prewett, Steve Luong, Bob Chin, Josh Chen) or email Marilyn at maril@alumni.rice.edu.

[Here are a few clarifications as you're going through the survey:
1) We only have "Main adult services" (not young adult or mid-week services).
2) Pastor Gaylord has been pastoring for 6-10 years.]

Thursday, November 01, 2007

John Ortberg - Esther

November 2nd, 2007, 7:30 PM

This week we'll be watching John Ortberg's sermon on Esther. He has a great explanation of Esther and very challenging message on following God whole-heartedly. This is one of the messages that has challenged me (Geoff) the most, and some of what Ortberg says has become part of my vocabulary, because he speaks about our root sin, the sin that invisibly underlies all that we do. Our theme for this year is "Love God and the fruit will follow" and Ortberg gives a very concrete way of identifying the main things that get in our way of loving God.

I hope you will join us this Friday at 7:30 pm in the Carey (Lighthouse) building and hear John Ortberg speak on our shadow mission.

Troy's Adventure

October 26th, 2007, 7:30 PM

Our very own Troy Wong will be sharing about his trip with the team from GPCCC to Nepal. He will be sharing about the work God has been doing in the lives of the Sherpas that Troy and his team has ministered to. We're really excited to be able to hear about him and just what God has been showing him. Troy's number is 512.656.1150. Snacks will be provided.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Benefits for Babies Banquet

October 19, 2007, 6:30 PM

Breath of Life Maternity Ministries is holding a Silent Auction (with hors d'oeuvres and dinner) at the Doubletree Hotel Austin to raise funds for their various ministries. If you're interested in attending, please contact Pastor Gaylord at tsuei@austinchinesechurch.org.

Desiring God

October 20th, 2007, 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Branch Fellowship (married with children) will be joining us Saturday night for a time of fun and fellowship and a message from Greg Orr about Desiring God. Branch will be feeding us yummy food and we will be providing drinks and dessert. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect and what you can bring. Thank you!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Cornerstone Serving Lunch

October 7, 2007

It's Cornerstone's turn to serve lunch TOMORROW Sunday. Please be prepared to leave Discovery Groups at noon to help! Thanks for serving!

Bags of Grace

October 27, 2007 - 2:30 PM
ACC Morrison Hall

Come help us assemble care packages for the homeless!

Cornerstone Enchanted Rock Outing

October 13, 2007

Time TBA

Come join us for a Cornerstone Outing with your fellow brothers and sisters to spend some time outdoors alone with God and His beautiful creation! Then we will go together and do some caving and hiking while enjoying some fellowship time as well as the wonderful outdoors!

ACC Missions Conference

October 6, 2007
4:30 to 6:00 PM
7:00 to 8:00 PM

October 7, 2007
9:30 to 11:00 AM
11:00 to 12:30 AM

ALL in ACC John Sung Building

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Prayer and Worship Night

Friday 9/28
ACC, Carey Building (Lighthouse)

Official Cornerstone Kick-Off!

Friday 9/21
7901 Osborne

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Potluck at Alex's!

Friday 9/14
8426 Alvin High, 78729

Yay for our new Core Team: Priscilla Ho, Ti Le, and Geoff Prewett!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Health Fair

Saturday 9/8
ACC Taylor Gym

Pictures: http://public.fotki.com/andyedlee/2007/community-service

Monday, August 20, 2007

ACC English Congregation Picnic

Monday 9/3
Hyde Park Quarries, 11600 N Mopac
Cost: $5 (includes food, drink, and activities)

Please email acc.cornerstone@gmail.com if you have not received the Evite. Thanks!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Thanks for a great year :) We'll start up the new Cornerstone year in a couple weeks. (ACC Prayer Requests and Life Journal readings will continue to be updated each week.)

**If you have not joined our new Google email list, please do so. Email us at acc.cornerstone@gmail.com if you have any questions!

Monday, August 06, 2007

End-of-the-Year Pool Party/BBQ

Saturday 8/11
The Marquis at Ladera Vista Clubhouse
Bring: $3, meat/sides, swimsuit if you want to swim

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Worship/Prayer with Andy's SG!

Friday 8/3
ACC, Carey Building (Lighthouse)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Volunteering with the ARCH

Saturday 7/28
5:45-8:00pm (meet at ACC in front of Morrison at 5pm to carpool)
500 E. 7th St, 78701 (Northeast corner of 7th and Neches)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Recap/Feedback

Friday 7/20
ACC, Carey Building (Lighthouse)

Post-fellowship: Eddie's House!

Geoff's Notes:
- Cornerstone vision and theme verse
- "Living as God intended: loving God, loving each other, loving the world"
- Read Matt 22:37-40
- Loving God
- what is love?
- (agapao) cherish, affection based on admiration, hold dear.
- how does God love?
- Hos 3:1, Zeph 3:17: Cherishes us
- Eph 5:25-32.
- v29: provides for us, cares for us
- v26-27: unbreaking our character
- v25: died for us
- v31: uniting us with Himself
- similarity: seeking our good, not His
- God is showing us what love is
- how do we love God?
- Same way: cherish Him, give to Him
- Same way: cherish Him, give to Him
- cherish: delighting in God for who He is (not what He does for us)
- a good example is cherishing God is David:
Ps 23, 103, 63 (your love better than life)
- what can we give?
- time: pursuing God
- service
- gifts
- worship
- touch (a little unsure here. Example of Billy Graham who touched
an untouchable caste on one of his crusades)
- the most we can give is our lives
- greatest commandment

- Loving each other
- If the Law and the Prophets hang on loving God and loving each other,
then the Law must be directions on how to do that.
- we should have God's character in all things, and if He relates to
us always unselfishly loving and delighting in us, that is how we should
relate to each other.
- How? Enjoying one another, giving to each other
- Just enjoying each other's company: meals, social events, etc.
- caring for each other
- St. Francis of Assissi's prayer: "grant that I may not so much seek to
be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be
loved as to love"
- paraphrase "grant that I may not so much seek to be satisfied
as to care for others"
- Encouraging each other to have God's character:
- talk about spiritual things
- being real with each other: transparency
- conflict: dealing with each other's sin, forgiving each other

- Loving the world
- Jesus said this is how all men will know that we are his disciples, that
you love one another
- Showing God's character outside the church
- Being an ambassador for the infinitely Good God
- God repeatedly talks about caring for the widows and orphans, and the poor
- Demonstrating God's unselfish love

- Conclusion
- Robert E. Lee: When asked at the end of his life to bless a baby,
he told the mother "teach him to deny himself"

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Sin

Friday 7/13
ACC Carey Building (Lighthouse)

Post-Fellowship: Alex's House or Austin Tidbits (http://www.austintidbits.com/)

Brief Notes (if anyone has more, please add a comment!)
She talked about her life growing up (being abused starting when she was 2 or 3 and entering the adult entertainment industry also at an early age), and then about finding God and being redeemed. It wasn't a smooth ride immediately afterwards (she returned to the adult entertainment lifestyle during her first year as a Christian), but eventually God blessed her with a steady job doing accounting work with a mom/pop store. And now she's co-founded New Song Ministry, helping women leave the adult entertainment industry by providing Bible studies, practical training, and grace-filled compassion. She's used her previous experiences and relationships with managers of clubs all across Texas to start her ministry and has even been asked to start a Sunday morning worship service at the Yellow Rose for dancers all across Austin. Seriously, praise God.

One thing she said that stuck out to me was "A sin is a sin is a sin". Oftentimes, I think I'm not as bad as other people - but God views all sins as sin. Afterwards, our discussion group talked about how to be vulnerable with people around us so that we can encourage each other as we deal with sin - not an easy thing to do, but we agreed it's way necessary to be intentional about it. I'm praying for us as a church and fellowship to keep growing in this area of grace and vulnerability - both with our fellow Cstoners/ACCers and with the people around us (our friends and our Austin community) :)

Monday, July 02, 2007

Food Social with Annie's SG!

Friday 7/6
7:00pm Bring your dinner and hang out!
8:30pm Ice Cream, etc provided by Annie's Small Group!

@ Jamie and Debbie's House
13529 Albania Way, 78729

Monday, June 25, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Love Languages

Friday 6/29
ACC Portable

Post-Fellowship: Winston's House

The Five Love Languages

Pastor Gaylord

There’s also “The Five Love Languages for Singles”!

My Big Fat Greek Wedding clip

-aunt shows the boyfriend love through food – but he’s a vegetarian.. so she decides to cook him lamb

If you don’t understand someone’s love language, they may not be able to experience your love.

Without love, life can become exceedingly bleak.

Most singles understand more about computers than about love because they’ve spent more time studying computers. (paraphrased quotation from The Five Love Languages for Singles by Gary Chapman)

I John 4:7-11

Let us love one another, love is from God… God is love… sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins… (people see God through us).

We all have a mother tongue.

Can learn different dialects of Chinese – saying something in one dialect can be misinterpreted in another dialect. Can’t be understood.

Nice in a foreign country to hear someone speaking your mother tongue.

The main point isn’t to figure out our own love language so people can love us better. We need to figure out how to love others.

Our families’ way of loving (or not loving) has shaped us immensely – but by God’s grace, we can still grow in this area.

The Five Love Languages

- Words of Affirmation (appreciation, encouragement, call attention to progress, acknowledge person’s perspective, may seem like just a passing statement to you, can help person overcome insecurities)

- Gifts (doesn’t have to be expensive/bought/regular, challenging for some who like to save money, e.g. this is Tina’s dad’s love language)

- Acts of Service (done out of love not obligation, Jesus washing disciples’ feet, e.g. PG’s mom came to help after Silas’ birth but misinterpreted, communication was needed to clarify)

- Quality Time (more than mere proximity, focus all energy on friend/spouse, e.g. this is Tina’s love language, she likes word games so PG can show love by playing Text Twist with her)

- Physical Touch (Peylin’s favorite! :P, important to show love/appreciation in Bolivia, just because you didn’t grow up with affectionate parents it doesn’t mean you don’t yearn for it now – or don’t need it now, there are appropriate ways of showing this form of love with guys/girls)

-many dialects of each of these

Even if these don’t come naturally, you can learn – need to be intentional about learning and putting them into practice.

Discovering Your Primary Love Language (75% of people give love the same way they receive it)

- Observe your own behavior (what do you say to people, what do you do naturally, ask someone else to observe)

- Observe what you request of others (“I haven’t had a good hug in 2 weeks”, “They always criticize me. I wish they would just acknowledge something I did right”, “I have this project – can you help me with it?”)

- Listen to your complaints (what gets you really upset, similar to above)

If you want to see change happen for people, love them in their language.

Friendships either grow or decline – to strengthen your friendship, apply these love languages.

Singles in service.

To figure out your ministry, what is your natural way of receiving love? Use it in service. If your love language is quality time, figure out how you can spend quality time with people around you. Ask God to show you people’s love languages so you can be Christ to them – like co-workers. Speak love to special friends – single moms, special needs children, etc.

Don’t force your love language on someone else. Take the time to figure out their language.


Andy: It helps to know how others communicate love even if it’s not your primary mode – so that way you can mentally understand and appreciate it.

Wei: Question/clarification about singles in service. (Sorry, I didn’t get the answer :P)

Peylin: Blessing in the workplace. How can you tell what your co-workers’ love languages are? Pray, ask God to show you. Observe their actions in meetings, their responses to the boss’ words, how they step up to help.

Cornerstoners’ Love Languages :)

Words of Affirmation (for these people, it may be tough to hear words of criticism)

Eddie C

Andy L

Marilyn L

Faya P

Pastor Gaylord

Quality Time

Chris W

Tim K

Judith C

Sharon T

Priscilla H

Peylin F

Geoff P

Fred H

Winston W

Acts of Service

Moses C

Johnson C

Physical Touch

Ricky T

Wei L

Monday, June 18, 2007

Volunteering with the Group-Formerly-Known-As-Peylin's!

Saturday 6/23
Meet at church at 9:30am
(main parking lot by Morrison, Taylor gym, Portable)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Support System

Friday 6/15
Ricky and Sharon's House
12517 Sir Christophers Cove

Support Systems - A Healing Community
June 15, 2007

in the mid-19th century, the world "individualism" didn't even exist (The Connecting Church)

1. Why do we need a support system?

Hillary Clinton - it takes a village

-to provide accountability
-in case we fall or have hard times (encourage)
-to provide different perspectives, shared experiences
-take care of menial tasks (provide meal, etc so someone can focus on more important)
-handhold through the fog

Band of Brothers - interviews with actual men
-when the fighting was the worst, it was the guy next to him in the hole who helped him make the sacrifice, take that chance - his brothers, would give his life so they would live
-something about being involved in a crisis, have to rely on the people around you

Examples of people in the Bible who stood by one another during the hard times, during the fearful times, during times of uncertainty. But also through times of victory and exultation.

-David and Jonathan
-Moses and Aaron (Moses had to keep arms up in order for the Israelites to win the battle, Aaron had to help him-Exodus 17:8-15; both Moses and Aaron had to go together to talk with Pharaoh, Aaron provided stability and comfort)

2. What does it look like?

We all have an instinctive, visceral understanding of what a support system looks like.

-created for community, people to love and love us in return

Matthew 7:12 "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

-there are certain things we desire in our friendships, our friends desire the same thing from us
-have to unlearn certain things about how to have healthy friendships

What are you looking for when you are in need?

-to be listened to
-a massage (Sean :P)
-someone to help with the little things (like food)
-to be understood (try to understand), not playing devil's advocate, to be your ally (there's a time for speaking truth.. but maybe later)
-someone genuine who truly wants to be there, not rushed; not because they have to
-like Job's friends, there for him, dust on heads
-trust, lack of judgment, know you won't be thought of differently, won't tell someone else, safe
-will carry that burden for you for a while, come alongside for a time, share burden

Andy's Brainstorms:
- listens
- understands (or tries to)
- doesn't judge (unlike Job's friends)
- can offer healing (in many different forms, come away refreshed)
- someone to pray with you
- points you to our Hope
- gives perspective
- loves you, accepts you, won't turn on you

3. How does it happen:

How to develop a support system?
develop = grows over time

-find people you can trust (hard to build, easy to trust)
-find people with similar occupation, life stage, experience - easier to empathize
-have to sacrifice, become vulnerable, leap of faith (goes hand in hand with trust)
-develop closer relationship, can't just stay at surface level, won't dump on someone you don't know, don't have a deeper relationship with; be intentional, take time, be flexible, be willing to experience things with people
-be approachable (drop the shield, force field), be available
-leaders model more public vulnerability
-be willing to ask for help

Andy's Brainstorms
- not avoid crisis or pain (hard to feel need for this kind of support system until in a time of crisis, crisis draws people together; used to think life was meant to be without hardships; now believes that pain is inevitable, draws us closer to God and to each other; Andy's sharing about personal crisis, able to build deep friendships with Wed night prayer meeting)
- willingness to be vulnerable
- acknowledge your brokenness & sinfulness
- willingness to give as well as receive (understand it's a 2-way street; like Walton who came 2x/week to be with, pray with Andy)
- be involved with people (don't know you need them until you really do)
- takes steps to deepen your relationships

How to be a part of one?

-know what your gifts are and actively try to bless people with them; know "gifts" of experience, give out of them
-showing up, being there, 100% success requires showing up
-join an already established group, or form your own - group of similar needs; be vulnerable about your experiences, pains

Andy's Brainstorms
- love, love, love (only way for a person to move out of themselves and really touch another person's life)
- no ulterior motives (do we really love people w/ no strings attached?)
- get to know each other (how do you know what to say, when to you know to say it - no secret, no formula; won't know w/ blank slate, no context; with context, relationship plus Spirit's leading, will know; won't always say the right thing - but will know it's grounded in love)
- be a part of one another's lives
- volunteer your life (took a lot of guts for P-Walton to ask if Andy would get together; Andy could've said no)
- take the initiative (e.g. Pastor Walton)
- work on personal wholeness (two ticks and no dog- don't want to suck the life out of each other, no life source -> co-dependent; our "dog" is God, our life source; else just spiral down together)

**Are we available to love and make a difference?

Community, Fellowship = place to make a difference

- to heal the broken
- to bring hope to the hopeless
- to show grace to those in need

have to want to love

Discussion Questions:
Do you have a support system? If so, who comprises that group?

What do you struggle with the most in developing that community?

How can you improve in being a part of that community for someone else?

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Worship/Prayer with Moses' Small Group!

Friday 6/8
ACC, Carey Building (Lighthouse)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Career

Friday 6/1
ACC Portable

Post-Fellowship: Andy and Maril's, 7901 Osborne

Notes: Career (part-Andy, part-Maril)

God doesn’t reveal the whole map, just one step at a time

God started leading Walton one step at a time to Missions

How does God want us to think about our work?

How do I begin to intentionally and practically honor God?

What do you think of when you hear the word “work”?

- the curse, ew, tough, keeps from doing what I want to do, stress, money, pays bills, mowing the lawn, blessing, labor, toil, pain, hard, busy, pressure, lay-offs

What do you think is the opposite of work?

- Play, rest, life, vacation, leisure, freedom

Myths about work:

- God is not interested

- Work is just a means to get money

- It’s not as spiritual as other jobs

- It’s just a curse

Genesis 2: work was given to Adam before the curse

The curse: work will be much harder

Work can be a real blessing

How does God look at work?

Joseph has sequence to what he eats: saves good for last

We look at work that way.. just to keep us from doing the things we want to do

Ordained by God:

- Not a curse in itself

- Part of God’s plan for provision

- A sense of God’s calling

- Has great opportunities (for spiritual growth, to serve people, to worship and honor God, etc.)

- Intended as a blessing (not everyone can work)

6 Realities towards Integration

“Fourth ????” book

Most people have fragmented lives

Different friends, different behavior, different words, etc.

Mostly because it’s easier to fit in

Fragmentation can cause a lot of stress b/c we are not able to be who we are – we have to worry about what crowd we’re in

Not able to be unified, consistent person

Fragmented priorities

1,2,3rd priorities are God and everything else gets woven in

  1. Devotion – not about what we do, but why we do it; so important because without it we’ll be susceptible to the distractions of the world (1 John – if you love God, you’ll obey Him); we go to Him because we need Him; because we want to see and hear Him in our lives; need to look past the artificial priorities we’ve set up; overscheduling can often become the enemy of God’s leading; listen for the opportunities God puts in our lives

  1. Calling – reminds us there’s something bigger than just living out our lives, getting our paycheck; why do you do what you do in your job today? – perspective determines purpose in our lives (teacher getting paycheck v. teacher helping kids), best to see it from God’s point of view; calling gives a job its spiritual power; whatever job you do, if this is where God has led you, that makes it holy – do I feel a sense of calling with where I am?; Bob Chin’s calling to work with Asian-Americans in Austin helps him adapt his career to follow this leading (staying in Austin, etc); 40-50 hours/168 hours per week is a big chunk of time; might feel too young to think about purpose in life, but it’s never too late – you never know how much time you have left; work isn’t just a means to source your life until you find that great purpose; need to ask God to show us what he wants us to do, what kind of work – have to put all the chips out on the table, can’t hold anything back (e.g. as long as I can live in Texas) – distorts the communication between God and us – needs to be “whatever You ask”, “where You might take me”; often think God will make us do scary things if we lay it all out – but God merged Walton’s passions and skills to allow him to do great things; calling may change with season in life – continue to live with God in the present so He can lead you

  1. Integrity

- Do the right thing, not cutting corners

- Ex. Merck – distributed drugs to poor who weren’t able to pay for it b/c the founder stressed the importance of helping the people v. profits

  1. Stewardship

- all money on loan from God, who loves me so much

- easy to become self-centered and proud, spend MY money on things that I want

  1. Rest

- not the opposite of work, but part of the rhythm of our work (God worked 6 days, rested on 7th – made in image of God, He set an example for us)

- Sabbath made for man, not man for the Sabbath

- As a fellowship, how can we encourage each other to enjoy the Sabbath and rest?

  1. Growing Influence

- need to appropriately define boundaries of evangelism at work, some use relational evangelism as an excuse – don’t take the necessary steps to share God

- need to be intentional – not to step over the line – but to at least go up to that line

- e.g. Joe wants to start up Life Journal Bible study at his school, Walton needs to be willing to ask if that’s OK, what the boundaries are

Balancing Time – build in margins

- allow you to see God work in your lives, and respond

- plan time for yourself, leave time in the margins so people will feel free to talk with you, ask you to do things with them; if others feel you’re too busy, won’t be able to fit them in, maybe you are; leave room to be spontaneous

Andy’s q: Do I need a specific calling to what I’m specifically doing?

Walton’s background coding as an engineer allows him to connect with people in his neighborhood now

Geoff’s experience in Japan with missionaries – the missionaries had to do lots of stuff that wasn’t directly spiritual (cleaning the church, etc); they built relationships through those menial things

Edison’s q: Does God want us to be passionate about what we’re doing work-wise?

Some people are just trying to survive

Need to see the overall purpose of why I’m doing this; else large chunk of your life is disassociated from serving God

Do all for the Lord

Monday, May 21, 2007

Break for Memorial Day Weekend

Enjoy the time off Friday and Saturday... BUT come help serve lunch on Sunday with the rest of the English congregation! :)

Sunday 5/27
12:00pm noon
ACC, Morrison Kitchen


Monday, May 14, 2007

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Volunteering with Winston's Small Group!

Capital Area Food Bank Sort-a-thon with "Stamp Out Hunger"
Saturday, 5/12
Meet at 3pm, ACC Portable
(Volunteer 4-7pm)

Find pictures at http://public.fotki.com/andyedlee/2007/cornerstone/capital-area-food-bank/

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Vulnerability in Friendships

Friday 5/4
7:30-9:30pm (by Dan Davis - ACC, Wycliffe Portable)
10:00-11:30pm Hang-out at Alex's House

Geoff's Notes (with Marilyn's notes sprinkled in :P):
  • "Character is formed in community and tested in isolation"
    • We think that it is when we are with others that our character is tested, but it's when we are in private that we think that we are not accountable
    • Character is formed by how we relate to others. Our friends, the people who can push our buttons
  • "I don't believe in accountability"
    • Christianity is a message of grace, grace is the essence of Christianity; legalism is antithetical to that
    • Has friends who have extracted rules for being a Christian, and "accountability" is asking "have you done your quiet time?" "have you prayed today?", etc.
    • An environment of grace is a place where you feel safe to tell the truth about yourself, that you won't be rejected. Character is best formed in an environment of grace, in the context of community, not legalism
      • Obviously "accountability" is not fostering this kind of environment - make your accountability grace-filled
    • I won't feel safe to share about myself until I trust you, and I won't trust you until I understand that you love me. Until then, I'll keep things hidden. Unconfessed sin has power over my life - so I need a place where I feel safe (this should be in the context of Christian community). Jesus tells us to love everyone - but we're afraid to (i.e. we're afraid to do what Jesus has commanded us to do).
      • Cornerstone is not a "safe" place for Dan Davis, because he doesn't know us. He doesn't know what hurts older people have caused us, what distrust of authority figures we have, etc.
  • The word "love" is overloaded in English. "I love you" has too many connotations, particularly romantic, so it's hard for us [Christians] to talk about love, which we should be able to talk about.
  • Call for reactions:
    • Ricky: what about rebuke?
      • If you rebuke me, I should know that you love me. (If you're going to rebuke me, I better know you love me.) If you're "Quick Draw McGraw" comin' in and rebukin' people, someone needs to rebuke you.
      • We cannot judge people, that is, determine their motives for them. But we can be fruit inspectors. (i.e. we can discern what we see)
  • His ministry to pastors is successful because pastors have decided that they can trust him.
    • There's no safe place for pastors to confess sin. (What would you think if your pastor confessed to, say, adultery or lust?)
      • Can't really go to other pastors, because pastors are sort of spiritually competitive
      • Do you have a safe place?
        • Where there's a history of sharing, being loved. Character is developed where you feel safe.
    • You should not be vulnerable to anyone. You should only be vulnerable where you feel safe.
    • Difference between vulnerable and transparent:
      • Transparency: I'll let you look at the inside of my life
      • Vulnerability: Not only will I let you look at the inside, but will trust you to lead me to a better place
      • Ex: My wife and I will be celebrating our 50 year wedding anniversary. ... My wife and I have been very happily married for 44 years. [Implication was that 6 years were not so good!] This is transparency.
    • Example from his marriage of a huge fight. His wife drove off, really angry, and he thought that she had gone to talk to her parents about the fight (they lived 5 miles away). Instead, she drove up and down the Pacific coast, asking God how she could hate someone she loved so much, because she had made a commitment not to ever expose him to others. This formed the basis of deep trust in their marriage.
  • Fred: Can men and women be vulnerable to each other?
    • 1 Cor 13 is how we should relate to each other, both single gender and cross gender.
  • Andy: Is it realistic to expect this kind of a trusting relationship with many people?
    • Limits the pastors' covenant groups to 8 or 9 people because the dynamics change substantially as each person is added.
    • But sharing something like addiction to pornography is not the best place. Not because of lack of confidentiality, ability to help, etc., but because it is so intense that it is best done with just one other person.
    • That person should be someone you trust to share painful things, trust, and someone who will lovingly not let you run away.
  • Alex: What about David, whose friends wanted to stone him after people raided their wives and family?
    • Yes, God, is very loving. But the idea that we can just make it with God and ourselves is not what God intended - He wants us to build a family, a community of believers.
  • Sharon: How can we be a safe place for others?
    • You have to earn it. You have to have a long-term track record of loving others. It takes time to develop.
    • A safe place is not just a place where you can tell people the truth about the bad things about ourselves, but a place where we also tell the truth about the good things about each other. (This is another way you earn it)
    • Be faithful, true to friendships

Monday, April 23, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Finances

Friday 4/23
ACC, Carey Bldg (Lighthouse)

Geoff's Notes (Talk by Sabrina Chan)
  • Intro: how we view money reveals how we view God
  • Witnesses for God
    • Verbal witnesses: telling people about God
    • Presence: how we live life is what gives us credibility about what we talk about
      • Stewardship: money, time, stuff, skills/talents, relationships
  • A lot of the how the world works seems to be like The Sims (computer game)
    • In the Sims, you work to get money to build a bigger house (which requires more money, etc.) and for free time so that you can have fun, hang out with friends, etc.
  • Our culture makes talking about how you use money taboo. Jesus talks about money more than anything else, with about a 2:1 ratio.
    • He says a financial audit is a good spiritual audit. ("Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also")
  • Sabrina gave a brief overview of her finances in 2004.
  • Money can be used as means of attaining security, self-worth, happiness, etc.
  • Our needs (food, shelter, clothes, etc.) stay about the same amount, but our wants can grow exponentially.
    • Once you have the DVD player you want, then you want a bigger TV to play the DVDs on. Then you want a nicer couch to sit on. etc.
  • Luke 12:16-21: How do we know when we are storing up treasures for ourselves instead of in heaven?
    • Geoff: If we never have enough of it? If it would be a problem if it were taken away?
    • Alex: Does it have eternal value?
    • Jesus talks about money in the days when most people didn't have any money. Maslows' hierarchy hadn't been invented yet.
  • 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19
    • It's easy for us to the people wanting to be rich (and possibly wandering from the faith and piercing ourselves with many griefs)
    • Passage also commands us those who are rich to be generous. Even if we don't make much, we are rich: we have a car, DVD player, etc.
  • Budgeting
    • A budget is just a plan. Like a plan for going to the gym--often we won't do stuff if we don't have a plan--just make excuses.
    • We budget our time; why not our money?
      • [In fact, we should probably budget all our resources: money, time, stuff, skills, relationships, etc.
      • 80-10-10: 80% for taxes and expenses, 10% tithe, 10% savings. As you make more, lower the 80% and raise the 10%s
      • Budgeting can be freeing: make a "fun money" category. Then you don't feel bad if you spend money on something frivolous.
      • Having a plan allows for margin in order to give to others
        • Ex. Sabrina's stereo died. Set aside $300 for a new one because she loves music, but there was an earthquake in India. Since they didn't have houses (let alone stereos), she gave her $300 stereo fund. (Later, a friend got a new stereo and gave her the old one). Since she had budgeted, she had the money.
        • Ex. Staff worker's car died. Asked a friend if he could help. He had been setting aside money for when his car died, but his car was doing fine, so he gave $2k out of the fund.
      • Sabrina sees it as a fun challenge to see if she can increase the amount that she gives every year.
        • Rick Warren gives away 90% of his income
        • Rich Mullins set up a board which just paid him a teacher's salary and gave the rest to the Indian reservations he worked with.
      • How do you want to answer God when He asks what you did with the money He gave you
      • Stuff has power over us (worry about the house burning down, oil changes, etc.). One way to reduce its power over us is to let people borrow your stuff.
  • Discussion
    • What is the biblical basis for saving?
      • Being wise about what God is doing (ants [Proverbs], squirrels)
      • Save as much as you give (up to a limit)
      • Sabrina found it easier to give when she was making less. She knew that she'd never have a house on the river, so in some sense, who cares?
      • Andy: 1 Tim 5:8. Need to be able to provide for your family
      • Alex: What are you saving for? If you're saving just so you don't have to work, maybe that's not the right motive.
        • Geoff: Might want to save in order to not work at a company and work doing something that does not provide much (if any) income
    • Regarding finding self-worth in money
      • Once you're out of school, your salary is a quantitative way of how much people value you.
      • Reveals society's values: network engineers make a lot more than campus staff, but God does not necessarily value things that way.
    • Regarding when do you know when you are storing up for yourself or for God
      • It really comes down to attitude. You can't just say I'm giving x% so I'm doing well. It could be that we're simply achieving a goal.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Food Social with Troy's SG!

Friday 4/20

@ The Main Event
13301 Hwy 183
Austin, TX 78750

Call Ferdi for any questions- 512.788.5080

(On Sunday 4/22, it's the English congregation's turn to stack chairs in Taylor - just a reminder!)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Lots of Things again :)

Friday 4/13, 7:30pm
Message and Fellowship (In the World, Not of It - Faya Peng)
Pre-Fellowship Dinner, 6:00-7:15pm: Moe's (off of Parmer/I-35)
Post-Fellowship Hangout, 10pm: Moses' Place

Saturday 4/14, 8am-12pm
ACC Church Clean-Up

Sunday 4/15, 11am
Eddie and Ti are getting baptized!
ACC Morrison Hall

Birthdays: Jamie (4/10), Susan (4/15), Faya (4/17), Winston (4/17)

Faya's Notes:

John 7: 15-18: 15My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one. 16They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. 17Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. 18As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world.”

Jesus is praying for the disciples. I see 2 big observations:

1) We’ve been sent into the world the way Jesus was and He doesn’t want us to be taken out of the world.

2) But He makes the point that we are not of it either.

So what’s this mean is that:

1) Am I making an impact? God has us here for a reason otherwise, why didn’t he ask us to be taken out of the world. He wants us here to do something – to have an impact on the world.

2) Am I distinct? While we’re sent into the world, we’re not supposed to look like everyone else – we’re not supposed to conform to the patterns of the world – we’re not of it.

§ 1 John 2:15 “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.”

§ Matthew 28: 19-20- 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

§ 2 Corinthians 5:2020We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.”

§ 2 Timothy 1:13-14 13What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in Christ Jesus. 14Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you—guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.

Salt and the Light

Matthew 5:13-16: 13"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 14"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.

1) Is my light hidden? As a light – we don’t share our light – we hide it. Jesus talks about how a light is no good if it’s covered up by a bowl. For us today, I would say that bowl could be the comfort and security of a church fellowship. It can be other things as well, but I think one thing that is common is that we get so wrapped up into being around people like us that we feel at home with, that we neglect what God has called us to.

a. When God called Abraham, He said He would bless Abraham so that he could be a blessing to others. We’ve been blessed – but are we a blessing to others?

b. What are the reasons we don’t share the gospel? All can be boiled down to:

i. We don’t care

ii. We don’t think Hell is real

iii. We don’t think Jesus is the only way

c. So my question to you is where is your opportunity? Are you engaging in it? It could be your co-workers, maybe you’re on a sports team or have a hobby? But what is that area where you have this opportunity?

d. What are the barriers to me sharing my faith? Matthew 9:37 - 37Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

2) Am I salty? – the second challenge is to keep our saltiness. Otherwise we’re like the salt that loses the favor. What’s distinct – what’s purposeful about that?

a. Being different isn’t always fun

b. Be intentional

c. Beware of temptation

Do I honor God with my actions and words?

Colossians 3:17 - 17And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

1) Pray – as with anything pray

a. Pray for opportunities and effective words: Col 4: 2-4 - 2Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. 3And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. 4Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.

b. Support - Seek encouragement and support with others in prayer

i. Share with others

ii. Hold each other accountable

c. Pray that the barriers to people’s belief would be removed

2) Act – Col 4: 5-6 continue to say 5Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. 6Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

a. Commit time to engaging with friends.

i. Meals, coffee – 1x1 interactions give more opportunity

ii. Sports – can be 1x1 or group activity – but drives more interaction; demonstrate godly character during

iii. Community service

iv. Investigative small groups

b. Be intentional in conversation

i. Learn about them

1. Learn what their story is

2. Find out who they are

3. Know what’s going on in their lives

ii. Testimony

iii. FIRE – Family, Interests, Religion, Evangelism

iv. Baits – open ended questions that can naturally lead to spiritual discussion

1. Do you feel fulfilled

2. Do you think people are innately good or evil

v. Hooks – direct questions that have positive or negative response but meant to lead to a specific conversation

1. Do you believe God exists

2. Do you think Jesus died for your sins

vi. Roman road, 4 laws, bridge illustration

Monday, April 02, 2007

Lots of Things

Monday 4/2, 8pm, NCAA Basketball, 7901 Osborne

Friday 4/6, 7:30pm, ACC Good Friday Service, ACC Taylor Hall
Pre-Fellowship Dinner, 6:00-7:15pm: First Chinese BBQ (off of Lamar)
Post-Fellowship Hangout: 7901 Osborne, 78729

Saturday 4/7, 10am-1pm, ACC Basketball Tournament, ACC Taylor Hall

Sunday 4/8, 9:30-11am, Easter Sunday Service, ACC John Sung - Invite your friends!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Message and Fellowship: Friendship

Friday 3/30
6:00-7:15pm Dinner at Which Wich (Parmer)
7:30-9:30pm Message and Fellowship: Friendship (ACC, Wycliffe Portable)
10:00-11:30pm Hang-out at Cheesecake Factory (Arboretum)

Notes on Friendship Talk

  • Simon's two passions: discipling men and bringing people out of poverty
    • Started a company with the intent of making money to bring people out of poverty (50% of profits)
  • Dad focused on being a good provider, but did not have good friends. So after Simon grew up, he didn't have any close friends; loneliness set in, and mid-life crisis.
  • Questions:
    • Do you like yourself?
      • If you don't like yourself, why do you think others are going to?
      • How can you invest your life in other people if they flee from you? (Personality conflicts, wanting acceptance, etc.)
      • In middle/high school, would give away office supplies (pencils, mostly) to make friends (his father sold office supplies)
      • Got tired of dating; wanted the next girl he met to see his character, not his outside. Worked on following God.
      • Need to be secure about who you are, let God heal you so you can pour out into others
    • Is God/Jesus your best friend?
      • If something else is our goal in life, it will turn up empty
      • Troy Aikman (sp?) went back to his hotel room after winning the Super Bowl and was depressed: "Is this all there is? Is this all it feels like?"
      • We all long to have a deep relationship (want to get married so bad, then we want kids, then grandkids, then retirement) - but only God can satisfy
      • One of today's biggest problems is materialism - we want it to fill our craving, but it won't satisfy
    • Do you know how to love?
      • Example of a married couple who wouldn't even think about taking off his coat and put it on his chilly wife, because "I'm just not romantic". After he said that, her face looked like she had lost her mother.
      • Friendship is all about love
      • We often don't know how to love because of past abuse and hurt
      • We need to foster a community where there's no fear of being hurt or being judged
  • If you want to develop godly friendship, learn how to sacrifically serve each other (sacrificial living)
    • Gal 5:13 (love neighbor as self, serve one another in love)
    • Made some congee/jok for a friend when he had an upset stomach. His friend talks about it in every sermon - It's easy to serve when you're comfortable. The true test of love is whether you're willing to sacrifice.
    • When are you ready to get married? When you know how to serve.
      • Recommends living with a roommate if you are single so that you will not just serve yourself. (also good for accountability)
  • Live authentically; be real
    • Shared something with his SG, and it leaked out. Asked his SG leader if he shouldn't share so deeply. His SG leader said that gossipping is not his fault; keep living your life
    • "I have good friends because I have been open with them." If you are not open with your friends (or your SG, if you are a leader), they won't be open with you.
  • Number your days (Ps 39)
    • Recognize that your days are short: make good use of them
      • Tries to take opportunities to build relationships during lunch. The only thing that will last is relationships.
  • Keep names in mind
    • Remember to pray for people. Care for them.
  • Ask great questions
    • 5 great questions
      • How is your walk with God?
      • What is God teaching you [since we last met]?
      • (Guys) How are you doing in the areas of pornography and lust?
      • Have you shared Christ with anyone this week/month?
      • How are you honoring God with your money?
        • Since money is sort of an indicator of what we want more than God, is also an opportunity to talk about those, too.
    • (Ask these after how you're doing, how is your wife, kids, etc.)
  • Closing thoughts
    • Chuck Swindoll wants 8 good friends. (They'll be the ones carrying his casket.)
    • Example of a female friend who got married, asked him to talk to her husband
    • Be intentional about your friendships and sacrificing for them. We calculate and plan everything else - why not friendships?
  • Questions:
    • Can a husband/wife be accountable to each other?
      • Unsure about that. Many pastors say not to share about your struggles with your wife because they won't understand. It is easier to do it with guys, but girls can understand, although not as deeply. However, your wife needs to be secure with who she is, because their hearts are delicate and it is easy to hurt them.
    • Why do guys not have close friends?
      • Because guys are activity driven.
      • Easier for guys to make friendships? Easier for guys to make quick relationships. Also, girls can be very critical of other girls. (Discussion)
    • Guys learn about love from girls? What do girls learn from guys?
      • Respect.
      • Girls are clueless about how to respect guys because we are a love-driven culture.
      • How do you respect a guy?
        • Write letters that are respectful. "Dear honey-poo. I miss you so much. ..." <--- This is a loving letter, not a respectful letter. "The thought of you dying for me blows my mind. Respectfully, " Your husband will keep that letter on his bulletin board.
        • Sit together with your husband while he's watching TV and don't say anything (side-by-side companionship). Be with him while he is doing something he enjoys (or while he is working).
          • Guys want friendship.
        • Tell your husband how much you appreciate his work.
          • Men are created to work.
      • loveandrespect.com has a DVD of the conference.