Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Good Friday Service

When: Fri Apr 4th, 7:30p
Where: ACC Taylor

Join us this Friday along with all three ACC congregations as we gather for Good Friday Service at 7:30pm in Taylor Hall.

Easter service is also on Sunday April 4th at Taylor. Take this opportunity to invite those in your life who can benefit from hearing about the good news as people are more willing to come to service on this day.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Greatest Commandment

When: Fri Mar 26th, 7:30p
Where: ACC Carey (upstairs)

According to Jesus, what is the greatest commandment? What makes it the greatest over all the commandments of God? Mark 12:28-34 not only tells us what the greatest commandment is, but also God's calling for our lives as his servants. Let us wrestle together the significance of loving God and loving our neighbors.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


When: Fri Mar 19th, 7:30p
Where: Maggiano's Little Italy (Domain)

Come join us this Friday at 7:30pm for dinner at Maggiano's Little Italy in the Domain! There's just one stipulation...

You must bring a non-Christian friend and pay for their meal as well.

So how much is this going to set me back?
The cost will be $20 per person, so it will be $40 (plus $20 for each additional guest).

Why am I doing this?
We'd like to take this opportunity to intentionally extend Christ's love to the friends God has placed in our lives who do not know him yet. This dinner also allows us to apply what we have been learning in the book of Mark by being a servant and putting others first.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Becoming Pure Fruits

When: Fri Mar 12th, 7:30p
Where: ACC Carey (upstairs)

Being called a "Christian" goes beyond mere name or recognition. It defines a lifestyle reflecting the teachings and purpose of Jesus. A Christian can have the attributes of attending church, speaking "Christian" lingo, praying before every meal, etc. But, if his or her faith is not bearing the kinds of fruits that identify with the character of Jesus, then is this person a true follower of Christ? From Mark 11:12-25 we will look at what it means to generate lives that cause influence and right existence according to the life of the Servant.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Pu Pu Platter of Fun!

When: Fri Mar 5th, 7:30p
Where: ACC Carey (upstairs)

Join us this Friday for an assortment of fun and games hosted by Annie's Small Group. Bring your competitive spirit because PRIZES are definitely on the menu.