Monday, March 31, 2008

Camping and CTI

I. Cornerstone - Camping

WHEN: Friday, April 4-5, 2008, 5:00 PM

WHERE: Bastrop State Park (but meet at Andy Lee's house - 7901 Osborne Dr., 78729)

An evite has been sent out for this - if you have NOT gotten an evite please let us know! Please RSVP Soon so we know the amount of food, supplies to bring!

With the days getting warmer and longer, it's time again for camping! Join us for a trip to the Lost Pines region of Texas at Bastrop State Park. We will be leaving at 6 pm on Friday, April 4 from Andy's house (7901 Osborne Dr, 78729) and returning in the late afternoon of Saturday, April 5. Cost will be approximately $20.

Camping trips are always a fun way to get to know each other while enjoying God's Creation (in this case, tall pine trees that got separated from their primordial forest), so we hope you can make it!
II. Cornerstone - CTI

Cornerstone is hosting Carpenter's Tools International (CTI) in TWO WEEKS - April 11th (Friday).

A little bit about CTI - is the official at large music ministry for Youth for Christ International. They are a non-profit ministry organization based in Willmar, Minnesota. For over 25 years, CTI has provided quality music and drama outreaches, working alongside established ministries in over 50 countries across the globe. (

Youth is joining us as well as the young adult married group with youth performing skits and drama and CTI providing worship. We'll be sending out more information about this later but please invite your friends and family to this event.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Fellowship Time and Prayer Requests

WHEN: Friday, March 28, 2008, 7:30 PM

WHERE: Lighthouse Carey Building, ACC

This Friday, instead of a regular fellowship - we'll be meditating on God's Word together. God invites each of us to a vibrant, personal relationship with Him and He invites us to draw near to Him daily - spending time in the Bible to hear His direction for our lives, receive His correction, gain wisdom, and strengthen our faith. Please come as we share together and study His Word together. We also have some interesting FUN games (special EXCITING concert!) planned out for us as well =). Please bring your Bibles, journals and pens!

Please lift up these two fellow brothers in Christ - Pastor Gaylord and Brandon. Pastor Gaylord was in the hospital this past weekend due to a bleeding ulcer. Pray that he will heal quickly and safely and that his hemoglobin count goes back up. Please keep his family in your prayers as well.

Brandon just had surgery on his right hand due to an acute case of DeQuervain's tenosynovitis which is an inflammation of the tissue surrounding the tendons and the tendons themselves. If the surgery is successful then he will need to have surgery on his left hand as well. Please pray that this surgery will be successful as well as the future surgery. Pray that he will heal and the pain will leave him and he can use his hands again.

Monday, March 17, 2008


I. Cornerstone - Good Friday Service

WHEN: Friday, March 21, 2008, 7:30-8:30 PM

WHERE: John Sung Building, ACC

Join us this Friday as we remember and give thanks for our Savior's death and resurrection together as a body under Christ.

Afterwards, we'd like to get together and just enjoy the Easter weekend with dinner. Location to be announced but let's gather together afterwards. =)

II. ACC Easter Service - 9:30 AM - John Sung Building, ACC

Easter service is this coming up Sunday! We'll be having a special Easter message and drama, followed by a time of refreshments during the second hour. On this special day, when we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, please prayerfully invite your friends and family!

Together to get the refreshment time ready for a time of fellowship for our friends and family, we, Cornerstone, are in charge of drinks, setting up and cleaning up. So, please bring some drinks on Sunday and help clean and set up. Thank you!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Joint Fellowship with ACCCF

EDIT: Basketball cancelled - meet instead at 6 PM in Carey Lighthouse Building (dinner is provided by ACCCF) - however pls bring a snack or drink for snacks later. =) thanks!

WHEN: Friday, March 14, 2008, 4:00 PM Basketball (GYM), 6:00 PM Dinner (Carey), 7:00 PM Fellowship (Carey)
WHERE: Lighthouse Carey Building, ACC

Please join us this Friday as we join together with our Mandarin youth adults/college ministry, ACCCF, to fellowship together and grow together as the Body of Christ. ACCCF has kindly invited us to play basketball with them in the gym at 4:00 PM. Dinner will also be served at 6 PM in Carey and fellowship will start promptly at 7:00 PM in Carey as well. If you'd like to know more about ACCCF, their website is

We're very excited to be able to join up with our sister fellowship and get to know more about each other. We'll be praying and praising God together as well as a time of fellowship, snacks, and games. We look forward to seeing you!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Daylight Savings

It's time to "spring forward"! Remember to turn your clocks forward an hour Saturday night so you can be on time Sunday to church. =) on March 9, 2008!

Evangelism Outreach

WHEN: Friday, March 7, 2008, 7:15 PM

WHERE: Lighthouse Carey Building, ACC

Dear brothers and sisters,

This Friday night, Cornerstone will be stepping out in faith to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of Austin. 15% of Austin residents go to a church. It's hard to imagine that close to 9 out of 10 people here are spiritually lost, separated from God, and on the path to eternal judgment. Yet, Christ loved the world and laid down His life so that sinners could be brought into a relationship with the Father.

Christ commanded us to preach the gospel to all creation. Stepping out in faith is an expression of our love and obedience to our Savior, and God has used that to increase my faith and love for Him ("for to the one who has, more will be given" -Lk 8:18).

We will spend time in training and prayer, so no experience required! We will share the gospel using tracts and in 1-on-1 conversations with people. Come with a humble heart and a desire to serve our Lord and the lost. Please pray this week for God to prepare us and the people we will talk to. All of your are encouraged to serve with us.

Time: 7:15 - 10:45 PM
Place: Meet at ACC (Carey Building) for prayer and training. We will carpool to 6th Street.
Bring: Small Bible, coat with pockets, bottle of water

"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it." (Mark 8:34-36)

In Christ,


PS - If you're still reading, I want to share something neat that came to mind as I was praying for this. I noticed how this outreach lines up with 3 of our upcoming vision statements!

1) Stepping out in faith helps us grow as disciples of Jesus Christ
2) Outreaches build godly commuinty as they have included people from the youth, college, adults, and even other ACC congregations. (the youth have a conference this weekend, though, so I don't want to take people out of that).
3) Sharing the gospel is the starting point for making disciples locally

Hope-It-Up Basketball Tournament

The ACC 3-3 Hoop-it-up fellowship basketball tournament will be Saturday, 3/29. We will again have an Open division and Mastor division. Deadline for registration will be 3/23. Please contact Troy Wong <>; or Leo Yeung for registration information. See www.austinchinesechurch to download copy of the registration form. See attached word document for forms and more information.