EDIT: We want to thank Alice to helping out with worship and to Jason and TJ Poon who spoke to us about evangelism. They shared with us of some of the inhibitions of why we don't evangelize more often or what prevents us from sharing our stories with other people. A big issue is unbelief - "oh ye of little faith". Unbelief and fear are opposites of faith. Faith counters all and gives us the strength and courage to know that God is in charge and He is ultimately the one who leads people to Him. One very effective way of being a witness (btw, witnessing is not something we do, it's who we are) - is to share your own story with people. People love hearing stories so share it!
WHEN: Friday, February 29, 2008, 7:30 PM
WHERE: Lighthouse Carey Building, ACC
This week Jason Poon and his wife TJ will be speaking about
evangelism. We often feel ineffective at evangelism but what are we doing about it? How can we change that? (March 7 - next week - Alex will be leading us on an evangelism outreach on 6th street to put it into practice and really make it part of our lives.) Because we are a Chinese-American fellowship, how is our local missions field different from that of Caucasian
churches? Jason and TJ have recently joined Epic (Campus Crusade's
Asian-American branch) and have a special passion for minorities not normally
effectively reached by mainstream Caucasian churches. How can our love for our Lord and His extravagant sacrificial love enable us to be walking testimonies everywhere we go? Please join us this Friday to learn and know the importance of the task Jesus left us - to go preach His good news to all the nations baptizing them in His Name. (Matt 28:19).